Friday, December 10, 2004

Send the Library money.............

I printed this out. Looking forward to using it sometime.

Not too sure this link is work safe. It's an advertisment. It's all in how you interpret it I suppose.

I don't think our store sells this coffee.
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And yes, I smudged the picture a little.

It's not a Camelback............................
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It's a Dogback.

I've already blown it.

This would kinda suck if it happened to someone.

Our county commisioners still have their heads up their asses. Let's forget about taking people's property by emminent domain for a park, baseball stadiums and put some money into the county were it's gonna make a difference..............
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The youth and folks that can't afford to buy books.

I can remember going to the county library when I was a kid and we're still members. It's worth the money.

Not much more to add today, gonna be doing an X-Box marathon with my son and helping Hank de-infest his computer of spyware later today.

Till later..........

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