Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I guessed #1 correctly...........

50 most annoying people of 2005.

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Jesus' short water polo career.

I hate those "mail-in" rebates. I hope everyone follow's Best Buy's lead.

My friend Will is into RC stuff. I bet he digs this link. Me? I'd be happy if my lawn mower flew away and never came back.

Posting this mostly for my mom to read. Phishing explained.

80 mph and no brakes? I don't think so.

The rules of "Hooking Up". Damn, I must be old. I've been quite happily married for almost 25 years, I've never heard of this hooking up stuff before. If you are my daughter and you are reading this-don't click the link:-)

What Would Jesus Buy..............I am so gonna burn.

Barbie goes on an adventure. Not quite P.C.

This is why Bush does nearly all of his speeches on military bases.

This will be great as long as you don't mind skid marks.

As I was going to work last night, it rained, snowed, sleeted, thundered and hailed. All in a 10 minute drive. I love winter.

till later.

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