Buddy of mine pointed out that my Dec 6th entry had a link to some sort of site called "Adult Friend Finder" Most of the links I post are fairly tame but a few originate from some not so "nice" sites. For example, one of my fav sites is drunckcyclist.com. 99% of the written content is just fine but he pays his hosting bills by linking to porno sites. I must have copied and pasted the wrong link somehow.
Oh and don't bother looking for the Dec 6th entry, I deleted it from the site until I fix it.
Gotta thank Harley Trash for pointing it out for me-hell, my kids read this-can't be havin'no girlie stuff on here. Todd "Harley Trash" Witte and his partner in crime Brent are two of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. They are both extremely succesful business men, great dads and husbands but get them near motorcycles and all reason goes to hell in a handbasket.
These guys will get on their bikes and ride 1000 miles non-stop and average 8o mph.

Neither one of them are quite right in the head. Go figure.
My poor boss is getting hammered on by her bosses................You can pretty much write your own ticket with the company I work for but if ya don't hit the numbers .............well, your ticket is gonna have a few layovers.
Oh yeah, like my 11 year old is gonna not play his X-Box for 3 to 4 weeks. Thankfully, ours isn't being recalled.
I think they oughta raise the tax to 10 bucks a pack on the beotches.
Other then the fact the he's a child molester he's a nice guy.......awww, screw it-they should revoke his bail and have him bunk with Bubba. He'd be singing a diffent tune then. In a much higher pitch, I might add.
She looks pretty damn happy for having her arm chewed up and contacting rabies.
I don't care what anybody says, when you walk around talking on a "hands free" cellphone- you look like a goober. These will make it worse.
Imagine the look on this guys face when they showed him the pic. Tool.
What the hell is this? Bring back the "old school" version.
This is way, way cool. I'd like to visit there sometime later in the spring.
Damn. I bet the driver lost bowel control. Check out the video.
I wonder if they have any laying around. Sounds like the perfect gift for people ya don't like.
This is nice. I just can't imagine them getting their freak on. Not a pretty word picture, is it?
This is ridiculous. Somebody needs smacked upside the head and it ain't the 12 year old.
Hydraulic fluid is not a natural flavoring.Yuck.
My question? Where was the naked guy hiding his cell phone?
This dog must be related to the dog I had when I was a kid.
Heh heh. I like this guy.
I'm in group "B" by the way................
................Till later. And stay away from the porno.
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