I have one of those Circadian rhythm software thingies on my computer and I right now I am supposed to be feeling good physically and intellectually but not so good on the emotional part. Whatever, I think it's mostly bullshit but it's still fun to look at.

This is a picture of our son I took 3 summers ago. One of my all-time favorite pictures, I took it down at Lake Redman. Here is a full size version. My reason for posting it? It cheers me up when I look at it because it reminds me of summer.
And our son.
And how much I love hanging out with him.
He's already past the "little kid" stage and is growing into a fine young man. Our daughter has long gone through that stage as well and she is quickly moving into the "adult" stage.
I can never really relate to couples that say they never want to have kids, as far as I'm concerned-kids keep you young.
Since I work for 11 days straight, I haven't had a chance to hike down at our local trails where all the logging has taken place-I plan to ride or hike there next weekend and take some pictures. The whole idea of our local water company letting a commercial logger come in and totally destroy what was once pristine woodland for money has me so pissed I could spit nails.
Not sure if our local paper cares or not, but I plan to call up an editor after I get some pictures taken and ask them if they want to see what the water company is up to.
I've been reading lots of other biker's blogs about all the road rage going on lately. I've had a few close calls but nothing major. I've given a few people the finger and that's about the worst of it. I figure the worst thing that's gonna happen is that a person will stop, get out of their car and confront me.
And then I'll find out if dog mace works on humans.
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