I've never seen a cat that enjoys getting it belly rubbed before but this cat loves it.
She also has chosen her favorite human and it looks like our daughter has the honors. Belle will follow Katie around the house like a dog waiting to be petting and loved up. I think she's gonna have alot of fun as soon as she gets more comfortable with everything, she really is a cute little kitty:-)
I saw this article on HereNT's site, he lives in Minneapolis and the article is about winter biking. Check it out, it's a good read. Sometimes I wish there was a safer way for me to get to work on a bike, there's too many narrow twisty roads with non-existent shoulders and too many inattentive drivers for me to risk it at night.
I could be wearing all the reflective clothing made and be all pimped out on blinkies and lights but that ain't gonna do squat if someone in an SUV runs my ass over after running wide on a turn.
Check this out. Is that one smokin' computer or what?
Don't download MSN Messenger beta 8. Because there ain't one.
Our daughter is gonna want this. I know you read this kid, you want me to pull the trigger on the order?

Sorry for bagging on Bush, but the cartoon was too good not to post.
You know you're a redneck............
The RIAA are slime.
I knew bananas were good for you but I didn't know all this.........
I'm with this guy. I don't watch a whole lot of TV or movies anyhow.
I seem to draw the weirdos in when I work the evening shift. Sure, more nutjobs are out and about at 2 in the morning but still...............
Last night I had a person dressed as a clown come up to the bakery and asked me where the condoms where. Whatever, I guess clowns need love too. It beats the girl dressed as a hippy that asked me if I had accepted Jesus as my personal saviour earlier in the evening.
Thanks for reading............
Hey Man, we all used to look like that...except I didn't have enough hair to make it that big. Rock on Bay City Rollers!
And re the Mac II -- still got one of those and can't decide whether to hop it up (a friend actually made one into a usable email machine a couple years ago) or turn it into a fishbowl.
...bananas...gotta head to the store....
Hi George,
You posted this:
"Check out. Is that one smokin' computer or what?"
But I'm unsure what you're talking about. Did you miss putting in a link to something?
MISSUS Any Mouse
P.S. Thanks for the Microsoft link
Any Mouse
It's funny how cats pick their special human. Our Wiskerz was picked for my younger son, but Wiskerz chose my older son to be his special human, but of course now that my older son is mostly gone, Wiskerz has chosen me - still not my younger son!
I'm not so sure she likes me much anymore. She's bitten me a few times and hates me for putting her back in the bathroom. Oh well, she'll forget in a few days...
(Geez, the word verification thingy for leaving a comment is almost as stressful as the SATs!)
Hey Katie, here's a tip, if you don't like the word they give you, just hit "Log in and Publish" without putting anything in, it will give you a new word.
I feel your pain. I hate having to have everyone go trough that but if I don't-I get all kinds of "comment spam" in my comments.
Missus Any Mouse, the link I had up there you are refering to is for one of the very first Apple Computers............
Here's a retry......
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