Is it spring yet?

My mom sent me this pic, she hates winter about as much as I do.
As I sit here and type this Monday morning, it's supposed to snow 2 to 4 inches later today.
Woo hoo.
Think you are a tough guy(or girl) for doing a long ride? Check this out. 500 miles on a balloon tire bomber must have taken a long time. I bet it was fun though.
Here's the video from that feed mill that wouldn't say die. I got this from MinusCar-Thanks!
You know, if Microsoft had this program back when Windows 95 was around, they would be bankrupt right now because nobody would want to work for them. I can remember our first computer.
It was equipped with Win 95a with a whopping 16 megs of Ram and a very roomy 1.2 gig hard drive. I was lucky if it didn't crash at least once or twice every time I tried to open AOL and connect to the internet at a sizzling 28k.
And it only cost 11oo bucks including a huge 15' monitor. Thing was, this was a top of the line computer back then. Those were the days........
I want one.
Movie torrents. Not that I would download any of them. Except for number 10.
Today's art break. SFW video on a NSFW website.
I'm thinking this might be one of the dumbest inventions ever.
Here's why it's not a good idea to download "free" stuff unless you know what you're doing. 180 Solutions are a bad, bad company. Lots of links to read but the more ya know, the better of you'll be.
That's all for now.......thanks for reading.
After surviving our hellaceous wind storm today, your 'Is it spring, yet?' photo is greatly appreciated!
Dummest invention ever? Cmon, didn't you see them take it off the sweet jumps?
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