Sunday, August 07, 2005

Anyone see the new ad campaign for Dove Soap? It's a good ad and they will sell a shitload of soap,but I don't think any of the woman featured in the ad are "big boned", "full featured" or any of that other P.C. bullshit.
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They just look normal to me.

Bring back Dan Quayle. Potato or Potatoe...........who gives a shit? The guy is dumber then a bucket of rocks, but I liked him and besides....... how much more could he screw up stuff then it is already?

Feel the love.

Nice guy. Too bad he smoked. Smoking is slow motion suicide.

This is America's new sport.

Here's 2 minutes of your life you'll never get back.

Dancing breakfast. Pretty cool.

WTF? Article says he was intoxicated. Really?????

Condom recall.

"The Internet Is Forever" Pt 395.............Poor kid. He's gonna be 35 years old and people will still be pulling up that video to embarrass him.

The York County Commissioners could learn something from this guy.

Saw this over at Cleverchimp. I've never had a folding bike and probably never will as it's something I really have no need for one but so whole concept is spot on for folks that travel.

Had a really nice road ride with a buddy yesterday. We went about 25 miles and besides one flat tire-it was smooth sailing. I need to ride as much as my back will let me, I've lost a shitload of fitness this summer.

Only bad part of the ride? We were passed by numerous out-of-state trash trucks on the way to the landfill and I feel for the poor people that live along the roads near the fill site because it smells bad.

How bad?

Bad as in I nearly threw up when one particularly ripe truck passed me. I literally gagged for 30 seconds before I was sure I wasn't going to pitch breakfast. Lots of out-of-state trucks, so if you live in Jersey or NY-bury your own trash where you live ..........not near me.

Gonna turn my old Raleigh into a fixie sometime this fall just for shits and giggles. I'm not brave enough to take both brakes off-gotta have at least a front brake. Anybody have suggestions for front/rear gearing?


Anonymous said...

My bike is a fix. I ride it on dirt, to the laundry and to the grocery. These sorts of things dictate the need for low gearing. I'm running 36x19. I'd say you should start with whatever gear is your most used on your favorite bike that gets ridden similarly to your fix. After that, the parts bin, your budget and chainline issues will determine what you run.

I have a front brake on mine and wouldn't do without it. I've ridden fixed off and on for a long time. Brakes good.


Scout Seventeen said...

Sweet, sweet Danny boy. My favorite quote?

Welcome to President Bush, Mrs. Bush, and my fellow astronauts.


Scout Seventeen said...

Hey! Sam Adams is my Portland city commissioner! I'm glad the world knows about him. He's a complete and total doofus, and we love him. Well, I voted for him, at least.


The Donut Guy said...

That's cool Scout.

You should have to put up with our county commissioners.

Most of them need a reality check.

Some of the shit they try to pull off is amazing.