I can't complain a whole lot about our weather here in Central Pa. It could be worse. Sure, sometimes it's really cold in the winter and it's usually quite muggy in the summer... we only get a few of those "75 degree, cloudless, low humidity with a light breeze" days every year.
To get 3 of them strung together back to back to back
while I was off was
truly outstanding.
Got all my yard work done on Saturday (it looks quite nice, I must say) then did some errands and checked out my parents new car. They bought a Saturn Ion 3 from
Saturn of York. I like the idea of the "no dicker" price thing, but like most dealers.......they still resort to some shifty business practices. After my mom picked out the car she liked, they added over 250 bucks worth of pinstripes and fabric protection without asking her.
Knowing my mom like I do, the
last thing you want to do is be anything less then 100% upfront with her. Don't get me wrong, my mom is one of the nicest folks you'll ever meet-but she'll let you know in no uncertain terms when you do her wrong. She was the vice president of a local credit union before she retired and she had every one's respect where she worked because she demanded 100% honesty at all times.
I'm not privy to the conversation my parents had with the salesperson but they ended up cancelling that deal and buying another Saturn without the "optional" add-ons. It's ain't over yet, my mom is gonna write the company in Spring Hill, and I
guarantee someone will be calling her up from the dealership to personally apologize.
That's just how my mom rolls.
I was planning on taking a leisurely mountain bike ride on Sunday morning, but Dan had some other plans in store for me. Namely.....fishing.
Yeah, baby.
Nothing like hittin' up the local restaurant for an early breakfast and checking out the lake to see what's biting. The way I figure it, Dan will be all grown up before I know it and then I'll have all the time in the world to ride. Who would want to miss stuff like this........

It's not a fish he reeling in, it's a
That was right before his rod's front half became disconnected and we watched it following the taut line right into the murky depths of Lake Redman. Yeah, the rod cost 15 or 20 bucks but the laugh we both got out of it was
totally worth it. Good times for sure, I have the best kids.
We all gathered at my brother and sister in laws house on Sunday afternoon for one of my nephews confirmation party. I got to meet some of their friends that used to take our daughter with them to visit the zoo when Katie was a toddler. 15 years have passed since they last took her and they were very impressed with scholastic achievements so far.
Not that I was bragging or anything.
I'm a proud dad, our daughter has busted her butt to get where she is .....sometimes it's hard for me to shut up about it:-) Like I said before...we have good kids.
I was screwing around on Cafepress a few days ago and came up with a tagline for our company....

Whaddya think? The front of the shirt has our company name and our web address, if anyone wants to buy one, I'll send you the link to the Cafepress store. Daniel and I are styling around with them-Cafepress did a nice job.
Since it was so nice out this weekend, we opened up all the windows and the front door and put the screens in. Our cat has gone into sensory overload. She had to put up with looking through the glass of the window and now she can sit right in front of the front door or patio door and
listen to all the birds and squirrels right through the screen.

That's one kitty that wants
This is one amazing
dollhouse. I used to build scale models and working on stuff like that is tedious after a while.
I like
this cartoon. We'll always have a
shady politician or two to kick around, but the media has gotten way more shifty and dumbed down in the past 30 years. It's like
Idiocracy isn't going to take 500 years. More like 50.

Pretty cool, huh?
I'm glad
this dude is gonna be okay, but 91 mph on the highway and no seatbelt doesn't set a very good example.
"We're the first national company to have a
canned dog food made not in a pet food plant, but in a USDA plant." I'm not sure if that's a thing good for the dogs or if it's a good thing for humans. Not be crude, but I thought Dick Van Patton was dead.
I'm a wallpaper junkie.
These are some very nice ones.....
I'm also a freeware junkie. There's some real nice stuff in
this list. Lots of these programs are in my toolkit.
Bottled water is kinda dumb most of the time if you think about it. Maybe not everyone has fresh clean water to drink but one dollar a bottle for most varieties is too expensive.
picture you'll see all day.
Something Ill never have to worry about. I like sticking things in my piehole way too much.
Maybe I am ignorant of the way things are done in the deep south, but
this should have happened 40 years ago.
Here's a news flash.......
Bush Administration Awash in Scandals. Who
knew? He isn't the
sharpest tool in the shed. He may not be a
very good listener, but at least he's loyal
to a fault.
George Bush thinks he's
like Lincoln. Umm, yeah....
I'm always up for a little bit of tweaking on my computer set-up, if you are running Firefox,
this program seems to speed page loads up a bit. As usual before you go tweaking stuff, make sure you follow the instructions in the program and make a back up of your config files.
Cheese isn't
always cheese.......I mean, the cheese you
thought was cheese is
cheese food.
Ringtones that don't sound like a phone ringing are
kinda dumb. When my cell rings, I like it to sound like a phone because I don't want to look like a
Monday morning........... I started out my day by taking some wrapped coins to the credit union to deposit. On the way there, I ran over a squirrel, this was wasn't the worst thing that happened though. I also ran over one of those parking lot cement things and ripped a hole in the sidewall of one of my tires.
At least it was in a flat parking lot and not on the side of the road and it wasn't raining. It coulda been worse.

Looks pretty stupid with that tiny spare on there, although it might look cool if all 4 tires were that size.
On the bright side, when I took the tire over to my parents for my pop to replace (he's a tire wholesaler) my mom was just pulling out a tray of fresh blueberry lemon scones from the oven. I got to have breakfast and a nice chat with my mom. Everybody oughta have breakfast with their mom once and awhile if you can.
It's my wife's birthday in a couple days and she likes to keep it simple, so I bought her a simple gift. Since she reads this from time to time...........I ain't gonna spill the beans just yet, but it's something she really needed.
I'd love to tell you about a bike ride, but quite honestly, I couldn't fit one in this weekend-it was
that busy....maybe this week sometime-I'm gettin' the shakes from not riding. I even spilled a 5 pound box of mini M&M's on the floor at work last night because I got the heebie jeebies for a ride.
Just in case your wondering.....5 pounds of mini M&M's will evenly coat the floor of an entire aisle in your typical grocery store.
I'll be spending
less time on the computer now that it's getting nice outside......
Till later.