Friday, September 23, 2005

How cold is too cold?

Been reading a few of my fellow bike bloggers blogs and since quite a few of the blogs I read originate from Minneapolis..............I was wondering, how cold is too cold to ride?

Here is PA, winters aren't usually brutal but we do get some cold snaps down into the teens and twenties.

How cold is too cold for me?

I'd say about 40 degrees is my comfort limit. Even though I use chemical toe warmers and booties- my feet still get cold after more then an hour or two of riding. Yeah, go ahead and call me a nancy-boy but unless I am out on a group ride when everyone one else is suffering as well, riding in the cold just ain't fun.

If you have never met me, just know I am not right in the head. Kinda hard to believe that I'm almost 46 years old, huh?

All the orangutans are gonna be extinct? Nah, just ship Britney's husband over'll work out.

This quiz is amazing.

Japan has cool vending machines.

America has some really stupid TV shows. I just can't help but think that watching some of that shit is gonna automatically lower your IQ by 10 points.

Till later.


Tim said...

Forty degrees? George, that's when we put on shoe covers and warmer gloves! When it hits 40 for the first time during spring commutes, it's cause for celebration. You're spoiled by that balmy Pennsylvania climate. :)

The Donut Guy said...

Oh my.

I am a wuss when it comes to cold weather.

Even in the dead of winter, I work right next to two room sized ovens, so it's really a jolt to my system when I have to go outside.

hereNT said...

I worry about ice more than cold. I'm a lot more carefull when it's 25-30 degrees.

As far as too cold, so far I haven't met that for my commute, even putting a minus sign in front of your coldest. Typically don't do recreational rides at more than about 10 below F... But I have. It's all about how you dress.