Mapped out my route with the link a fellow bike blogger so kindly left in my comments section yesterday. Next time I crack open the template to this blog hereNT, I'll make sure I add your link.
I gotta say-it must be something in the water out there in Minnesota-you folks have the best blogs out of anyone-you kids talk the talk and walk the walk. Fine, fine blogging going on out there.
Thought about what to feature on Test-It-Thursday and the answer was right in front of my handlebars.........

Specialized Armadillo tires. I freakin' love these tires. Couple of minus's though........for one thing-they are wire beaded and heavy due to the thick center section.........then again, anyone that runs a bugle horn on their touring bike can't really complain too much about weight. Secondly,they were a bee-otch to get on my rims.
Positives? I've never had a flat even though I abuse the living shit out of these tires. Example? On the way back from my ride last night, I took a shortcut through a construction site. Rocks, mud, broken up asphalt-it's all good. Last year I rode through a washed out section on our local rail trail at about 15 mph and ran over fist sized rocks with no problem. I'm a real finesse a water buffalo in a china shop.
I listen to a few bike advocacy related podcasts at work and I wonder what it would take to get bike lanes put in around where I live. Since our city is always strapped for cash, maybe they could institute a "congestion charge" just like London does. Probably never see either idea come to fruitation but it would be cool to have more room to ride sometimes. Or at least a little bit more respect.
Our son is going to see the new Willy Wonka movie today, maybe I can con him into writing a review here on my blog tomorrow.................
Till later.
1 comment:
Instead of having to open your template to add links, you might try - you can put a link in your favorites bar to just add a site while you're surfing. You just put a little javascript where you want the list of links to show up. I used some CSS to format mine to look kind of like buttons...
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