I'm famous even if I had to generate my own publicity :-)

Kinda hard to read the print because I enlarged the image. It has my web address below the image. If anyone is dumb enough to want to buy one-lemme know and I'll open up a store. Maybe I'll do a "Bike Riding Donut Guy" thong. Maybe that isn't such a good idea after all.........the only woman I know that would wear one are my daughter and my wife..........how weird would that be?
Anybody use Google Maps? I really like it, I had to find a place in Baltimore and using the "satellite view" I was able to zero in on the exact building I am going to. Very cool.
HI MOM!!!!!
My folks will be online, uptight and outta sight by the end of today with their new laptop. First time they have ever had a computer and internet access.

The cable people are coming to install their cable modem. All I will have to do is install their router sometime this week and they will also be wireless as well.
My mom is familiar with computers so teaching her some tips and tricks will be easy. My pop on the other hand...........let's just say he's set in his ways. Once I get him hooked on some sites concerning his hobby (photography) I think he will be hooked. Hell, they'll be fighting over who gets to use it probably..........
Wow. This was a ton of work. Probably several tons.
Holy crap. Is 2008 here yet? He can't be that clueless for real, can he?
Here's an photo update on our daughter's room reconstruction........

I think my wife has filled up over a dozen egg boxes full of stuff.

We always thought there was a bed in her room, first time we have seen it for a couple of years.

There was ALOT of stuff on these shelves.

Only area that hasn't been tackled yet.
Been reading a lot of other bikers blogs and I enjoy reading them all. Sometimes reading about "Peak Oil" gets a little old but overall....... it's all good. I'm sure my blog isn't everybody's cup of tea either-if you don't like what I'm writing here-just skip it and go on to another web site-no worries-you ain't gonna hurt my feelings :-)
I did enjoy the comment Scout left on the comments section of my previous entry about wearing helmets........By the way-check her blog out-girls on bikes rock!!!! And she's a pastry chef-way cool :-)
I've known lots of people who don't wear helmets, and I never understand their moxie. Whatever. Survival of the fittest. Since you're related to the dummy, tho, maybe you could point out that he doesn't have to worry about himself so much as other people.
I think there's also got to be a picture or two online of helmets that have been split in half from a blow to the head. Pictures of LIVING people holding their helmets, y'know?
Also interesting is that you post this exactly ten years after the death of Fabio Casartelli, who probably would have survived had he been wearing a helmet.
I did take my nephew to the LBS and let the guys fit him with a new helmet-he promised me he would wear it all the time-I'm gonna so totally kick his ass if I see him riding without it. I've seen what people look like after they've had a wreck. Road rash heals up way faster then head injuries.
I saw the same thing happen when I was at an AC/DC concert.
Old people need to retest for their driver's license every couple of years. Lucky he didn't kill anyone.
So simple, it's hard to believe it hasn't been invented before.
Really liked OIFS's latest blog entry. You can have lots of fun with not a whole lotta bike.
Granted-I have 6 bikes but none of them were ultra expensive-my favorite bike of all the ones I own was the cheapest. I bought my Surly Cross-Check used from the owner of my LBS. I paid about 500 bucks for it and it was worth every penny. Not the lightest bike, nor the fastest but it has a sweet, sweet ride.
Hard to describe but it's smooooooooth :-)
I'm not much of a bike snob and while I like the latest and greatest- it ain't about the bike-it's about the ride and how much fun it is to rip a solo ride off on some sweet singletrack on my singlespeed or get my ass handed to me on a group road ride.............it's all about having fun.
Does anyone have a pair of these?

Saw them in a magazine article and they cost something like 125 bucks.
They have metal springs in them.
Sounds like a lot of money for a pair of shoes-but then you reading a blog written by a guy that has 6 bikes so I'm not sure it's fair for me to say they are expensive. Just curious if anyone has any experience with them-my wife has some back problems and thought maybe the extra cushioning would help.
Not sure what I'll have for my next Test-It Thursday article-I'm sure something stupid will come to mind.........
Till later.
If you like gMaps, you'll probably love Sue and Paul's Site.
Basically, you can map out and save any route you ride, figure out the miles, print it, whatever. It's pretty sweet. It uses the gMaps api...
Wow. That's pretty neat !
I believe Casartelli was wearing a helment, but the force of the impact was such that it had no effect. I always wear a helmet but harbour no illusions about its ultimate effectiveness.
I should have known it was true, but never thought about it: I guess all bakers pack things in egg boxes! I've moved I-don't-know-how-many times, and done nearly all of it in egg crates!
Sadly, Casartelli was not wearing a helmet when he crashed. At the time, it wasn't required on climbing stages, so it was generally assumed that he had opted out of it since the day was so hot and so much of his time would be spent going uphill.
As for whether or not a helmet works, most of my husband's family works in hospitals in one capacity or another, and I have heard grisly story upon grisly story about very simple accidents that took a turn for the worse because the biker / cyclist / rollerblader / etc. wasn't wearing a helmet.
Obviously it's not going to protect you in all instances, but reports all come back saying that the most devastating (as well as one of the most common) cycling accidents is going over the handlebars and landing on the top of your head. In most cases, the helmet absorbs the blow, and the rider escapes with lesser injuries.
A helmet won't keep me from getting hurt, but it may keep me from getting dead.
I completely agree that going over the handlebars is exactly why you should wear a helmet. Also, hitting your head on a kerb or other low-speed collisions.
What annoys me is when people believe that helmets protect you in auto collisions, and that improvements in road traffic safety can be effected by their use. They can't. People (including me!) must drive safely and considerately.
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