Thursday, July 21, 2005

I'm not that good...............

I'm good at lots of stuff...........

-Teaching people how to bake and I make really good donuts, pies, pastries and breads.

-I think I'm a fairly good parent and husband.

-I'm fairly good with computers.

-I'm good at catching shoplifters where I work.

-I am an excellent smartass.

One skill that has kinda fallen by the wayside this year has been bicycle fitness.

While I still enjoy riding as much as I always have, due to concurrent back and foot injuries last year-I sorta fell off the fitness train.


Started really taking it seriously the last few weeks but I betcha it will take an entire year to get back to where I was. Should be a fun but it sucks to be at the back of the pack all the time on social rides. Not that I mind the company at the back of the pack, I just want to get back all the fitness I lost.

Most guys my age (45) are happy to park their fat asses in front of the TV and watch NASCAR on the weekend. TV is okay if that's what trips your trigger but ain't nothing beats a bike ride in my opinion:-)

Here is another bloggers entry on carrying ID- I always have an old drivers license or something with me so that the authorities can identify my bloated corpse.

Our son and my mom went to see Willy Wonka yesterday. As I expected, my mom liked the original better and our son liked the new one better.

I had said something about my folks being online a couple days ago.

I was mistaken.

They were online briefly but some jackass from a computing consulting company my moms former employer uses came over to install some stuff for her and also thought he would do her a favor and install the router I had bought.

Not sure what he did but I'm betting this dumbass couldn't compute his way out of a wet cardboard box. Looks like I will have to go over and undo whatever this clueless spacktard did so my folks can go online. I'm no computer expert but I do know how to read and follow instructions. I have to same exact router and it works perfectly for me.

Maybe I should start one of those "geeks for hire" companies. Computers intimidate the hell out of alot of people-it's just a bunch of 1's and 0's and most of the time, if you can read and follow the instructions that come with most new software and hardware-it's a piece of cake to make stuff run. That's not always the case, but with most modern boxes nowadays-it's really hard to permanently screw something up.

I have helped a few friends with spyware removal, maybe I could do that for a part time job. Most folks have no idea how much crap is lurking on their boxes.

I do enjoy reading about all this "Peak Oil" bullshit, hey-whenever the oil runs out or slows to a trickle-no problem. You know why I say it's no problem? There isn't anything I can do about it. So why worry or waste a bunch of computer keystrokes getting all worked up in a lather about it?

I'd rather go for a ride or something. Life is too damn short to debate shit like that on a message board.

A really good friend of mine came in last night to talk, haven't seen him in ages-it was great to catch up on stuff. The fact that he is black matters not an iota to me but it's really weird how people react to seeing a black guy in a mostly white area. People tend to give black folks a wide berth. Whatever. Gordon and I always joke that we could be twins because we have both have wives with the same jobs and we both have kids that are the same age.

Moral of the story-racism sucks. The only things I am prejudiced against is ignorance, laziness and stupidity.

I like reading about Wal-Mart. Like any other huge company-they have good points and bad points. Since I work for a international company that is in head to head competition with them in many markets- I can tell you one thing-they are a vicious competitor and they know how to run a store. Oh, remember the old wives tale about supermarkets making a penny for every dollar? That's's way more then that.

Been reading a few biker blogs about night rides. I'm on vacation next week and I am thinkin' about doing one. I gots the lights so why the hell not?

Till later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I once read that their are more interesting people at the back of the pack. All the "hammerheads" up front are the same... "more ride, less talk, huff, puff.... pedal faster".

It's still a good feeling to be able to keep up with those "less interesting" people sometimes though.

I've started running lately (first time in years). It's made a HUGE difference in my riding. I haven't ridden since the Wachovia Bike Race in the beginning of June. And I wasn't riding hardly at all previous to that. My last weekend ride was amazingly faster. Probably climbed better then last season when I was riding frequently.

I"m finding there is a major benefit in "cross training". I think I've been 'conditioned" to riding so much that it's just become easy to ride at a normal pace. But the running has tested my abilities more then they have and really strengthened my cardio.

But that's just me... (doesn't hurt losing a little weight.)