Last night the guy came in and did his usual and I saw him and several of our surveillance cameras captured him drinking half of a bottle of milk and putting it back on the shelf. The look on his face when I brought the 1/2 empty container up to the register as he was checking out was priceless. I plopped it down onto the belt and asked him if he "forgot" it. He kinda stammered and didn't know what to say.
Is a 99 cent bottle of milk that big a deal? No not really, it just pisses me off that someone can think that stealing is okay.
The only reason he didn't get arrested was because he had his 10 year old son with him. I'm a heartless bastard sometimes, but I'm not that heartless. No 10 year old needs to see their daddy get arrested.
Ya know, these folks do have a point. They're probably moving to Kansas.
Oh no, this didn't smell...........
Dad of the Year .........they oughta put his ass in the ring with a real boxer for 15 rounds. I'm sure he'll get plenty of practice being a punching bag in prison.
This isn't news. Go into any burger or taco place and the food never looks like the pictures.
Daisy Duke she ain't. SFW video on a NSFW website.
I'm sure this guy doesn't need reminded...........The internet is forever.
I'm gonna wear one of these next time I go mountain biking during hunting season. Or not.
My wife was talking to our daughter and she thinks Katie might want to go to med school. How awesome would that be? Not too many folks on my side of the family have gone to college......... come to think of it-our daughter will be the first person I know with my last name to go past high school. Ever.
Looks like we might be in the poorhouse for a long time:-)
Bought another one of those Specialized Body Geometry saddles for my Surly. Yeah, the bike I planned to be buried with. Not the lightest bike in the world, but any bike you can ride downhill at 35 mph with no hands and steer by sticking a knee out into the wind is a keeper in my book.
I know lots of folks think Specialized stuff is overpriced and maybe it is, but I'm sold on this particular model of saddle and their full finger gloves.
This is some scary shit if you drive a car and even scarier if you ride a bike.
Air powered car. Not sure how it works but it sure is butt-ugly.
I could have some fun with this site.

No, that's not me......... I don't smoke.
.............nor is my stomach that hairy.
Till later...........
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