Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Under construction.

Not sure where the heck my links and stuff went when I was screwing around with my template the other day but I'm working on some new stuff. At the rate I'm going, it's gonna be at least a week until I put up a new site.

As good as I am making donuts..........I'm that bad at designing templates, so it's gonna be awhile.....It's not at the top of my priority list at the moment.

I want to include a separate section for podcasts as well, so folks can click on a link and go to the homepage of some of my favorite podcasts.

I am on my summer schedule now, so that means I will be posting less because I get to go to sleep earlier in the morning. No school runs until the end of August means I can hit the sack as soon as I get home in the morning most days.

I think I'll print this article out and show it to my friends at work that smoke.
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They're pissed because the smoking area was moved the whole way to the end of the parking lot. Some smokers were standing in front of our store right at the entrance lighting up and puffing away.

.............. somebody must have complained.

Not sure who would have did that....since I quit smoking over 5 years ago, I've turned into one of those "asshole" former smokers. If someone lights up near me in a public place, I don't make funny little coughing noises and act annoyed, I just ask them to put out their cigarette because its smell makes me want to puke on their shoes.

If they have a problem with me asking them to snuff out their butt, then it's asshole time.

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This is our local weather map.

I live in York. We are in store for a whole bunch of rain, the flood watches are in effect. I am glad we live at the top of a hill and not the bottom of our neighborhood where it floods everytime we get huge storms.

Much respect to these folks. That is seriously cool that they are going to devote the majority of their fortunes to helping other people.

Daniel and I were out at the bike shop trying out a couple of bikes for him since he has outgrown his current ride. We were looking at the Electra Townie style of bike since it's bottom bracket is placed forward in the frame. This appeals to Dan since he can put both feet down and still keep proper leg extension.
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My dad would love this style of bike, if I could ever get him to pry a few dollars loose from his wallet, he'd be digging this bike.

I don't think the "privacy" thing worked out too well. I know lots of folks like him, I think he's an overpaid buffoon.

More proof that I'm never gonna grow up. I like this commercial.

Today's science break....Earth ain't as big as you think.

1 in 100 aren't very good odds if losing means you pay with your life.

Hell might possibly freeze over.

This weekend is the July 4th weekend and that means as my role as the "crazy" uncle, I'm gonna invite all my nieces and nephews over to light off some fireworks. None of the stuff I bought goes "boom" all of it just shoots smoke and sparkles for the most part. I can hardly wait to see how my 4 year old niece reacts when my son helps her light something. I'm sure my brothers and sisters in laws will be pleased.........I'll have pictures for sure.

Five-O time.....

Till later.

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