Our first cat was a real piece of work, she had very little hair on her head-at some point, she had frostbite and most of it was burnt off. Once I let her stay inside, she had absolutely no interest in going back out. I guess I couldn't blame her. She was one extremely mellow cat. I named her Dave. Not sure why, the name just kinda worked.
Our cat is from the animal shelter and she has a very different personality then most cats I've seen. She's a sweetie, but she is also one jumpy cat. Sometimes all you have to do is look at her wrong and she bolts for another room.

She likes to chase shadows.
Since our daughter has gone off to college, the cat has noticed that 3 other people live in the same house and she has been hanging out with us instead of hiding in our daughters bedroom most of the time
Here's a website with some pictures of different cats. I kinda like cats............
My wife and I don't get to spend as much time together as we would like since we work different shifts so we try to go out for breakfast on the weekends to catch up with stuff. We kicked around names for my business Sunday morning while we were eating breakfast and here's our finalist so far......
"McNally Home Computer Specialists"
My mom came up with a good one......."Up and Running" and I like the tagline she came up with......"At a price that won't take a "byte" out of your budget" that might be something I could work with.....she's creative, so I'm sure she's gonna come up with a few more.
I've shied away from using the word "consultant" as it seems too high falutin' to me. Anybody have an opinion? I'd sure like to hear it if you do..................
I gotta go to the bathroom, anyone have any toilet paper?
Fried Coke. I wonder what the life expectancy of a state fair food judge is?
Check out these illusions and make yourself vomit.
-Mugger to woman in wheelchair-"I'm going to steal your necklace."
-Woman in wheelchair-"I don't think so." I bet he was surprised.
I saw the following in the Washington Post and had to include it in my post today. I'm not 50 yet, but some of my friends are.......
If You Want My Advice . . .
. . . you must be an idiot
By Gene Weingarten
Sunday, September 3, 2006; W48
Dear Mr. Weingarten:
Can you think of anything you know now in your fifties that you wish you'd known in your twenties?
David Gratz, a longtime D.C. reader in his twenties
Yes, David, I have some tips for navigating the exciting journey that lies ahead.
(1) For the rest of your life, you will remain locked into whatever music you currently listen to. Trust me, it happens to everyone. It happened to me. Given the quality of popular music of the 1960s, I am fine. Given the quality of popular music of the 2000s, you are toast. Suggestion: Get a job as a jackhammer operator, wear no ear protection, go deaf. At least your taste in music won't make you a source of contemptuous merriment to your children, the way my parents were to me.
(2) Cleanse your language of certain callow affectations common to your generation, for they will not serve you well later in life. I, for example, employed the word "groovy" well into my twenties, until I once used it as a panelist on a TV political talk show, while discussing the sociopolitical ramifications of a gubernatorial veto. The studio audience actually laughed. In your case, when being interviewed about your nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court, you do not want to say, "I was, like, 'No way,' and the president goes, 'For realz, yo,' and . . ."
(3) Resist a tendency to become sedentary. I am a man who once strode confidently for miles through the septic streets of the South Bronx just to experience the rush of danger. Today, as I write these words, I am seated in my basement office, drinking cold, three-day-old coffee, so as to avoid the physical ordeal of climbing the stairs to the kitchen. Floating on the coffee is a burnt match. I am simply avoiding it.
(4) Accept gracefully what you cannot change. As you age, you will steadily gain wisdom. Unfortunately, it goes right to your prostate gland. This explains why, as a young man, your prostate is the size of a walnut, but as you get older it is the size of a Wal-Mart. The good news is that there are drugs to at least partially control this. The bad news is that these drugs have side effects that can include -- this is the truth; I am reading it right from the package insert -- "breast enlargement."
(5) The index of male physical pleasure can be plotted by two lines on a chart. One of these lines, which begins very high in one's younger years, represents the pleasures of the bedroom. The other, which begins quite low, represents the pleasures of the bathroom. I am assured by men older than I that these lines eventually intersect. I do not want to presume to tell you how to prepare for this moment, but I will share my plan, if it will be of help. When those two lines intersect, I will commit hari-kari. I will aim for my stomach, but will probably hit my prostate.
(6) There is a reason that many young women are attracted to older men. It's a trick we know. Once you know it, too, you will be able to combine the vigor of youth with the allure of age, and become a monster babe magnet for all those women formerly attracted to old guys like me.
(7) What, you thought I was going to reveal it? Don't be an idiot.
(8) Practice preemptive temperance. You know how you can get completely wasted one night, and the next morning you're okay? Well, one day, that won't be true anymore. And I mean "one day." This change will occur, literally, overnight, and you will discover it too late, as I did, when I arrived for work unshaven, with mismatched shoes, on a Saturday.
(9) Above all else, avoid self-delusion. It is a narcotic, and the crash from sudden withdrawal is almost unendurable. You are going to try to remain blissfully unaware that you are aging. You will think, for example, that you could still be the second baseman for the Yankees if you just got yourself back in shape, and this fantasy will persist well into your forties, when you are the general dimensions of a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. But one day something will make you realize that you are both in irreversible decline and a miserable failure. Example: Your new boss is younger than you. Better example: The new president of the United States is younger than you. Best example: The new pope is younger than you, and then he dies.
Good stuff, yes?
My wife and I never made it out to the York Fair on Sunday, just too much stuff going on and she was on call so we never made it out. Maybe next weekend, I want to get some fried stuff on a stick to eat.
Is this what the 1950's and early 60's were really like?
A series of short videos.............
Link 1.
Link 2.
Link 3.
Link 4.
Link 5.
Link 6.
Link 7.
Times must have been different back then.
Our son plays this game. Of course his time is limited on it during the school year on school nights but it is a very interesting game. I watch him play it, but I have no desire to get sucked in and I know I would if I tried it.
One of my favorite blogs has lots of pictures.....it's like taking a 2 minute vacation everyday.
Penn and Teller show you the trick behind the trick. I kinda knew how they did that trick, but it was cool to actually see it performed.
Yeeeees, I finally killed my CAPS LOCK key. Been looking for some kind of tweak for awhile. I hate going into the registry and manually doing stuff, this download does the trick no problem.
This guys recent blog entry might piss you off or it might not. I'll let you decide.
"I don't frighten very easily but I was just about shitting myself" You don't get that kind of reporting in American newspapers.....
It's not polite to stare. Make sure you check out #2 and 3
I'm sure my friend the trauma nurse disagrees with this. I know I wear mine all the time with the only exception being when I am on the rail trail.
That's all for now..our son and I have to go shopping later today to buy a new wireless router so I can get it installed before our laptop toting daughter comes home this weekend.....the old router stopped working......about a month after the warranty ran out.
I still have to cut the grass-it's getting really long.
Till later.
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