The exchange of ideas was really fun to participate in, I talked to an IT guy that wants to open a rec center and is interested in serving food. He gave me some ideas concerning computers and I gave him some avenues to explore when he sets up a food prep area. All in all, well worth the money.
I love this kind of stuff.
You thought the roads where you live are bad. These might be worse.
Some guy flying a airplane inside a gym. He's pretty good, huh?

I think this is a cool car. I bet you could live in it. If it had bigger bumpers I'd buy one.
I love me some wallpaper.
Wal-Mart is going to piss off the drug companies with this one. In 20 years, Wal-Mart will probably own most of the drug companies, so it's irrevelant in the long run.
I'm not Catholic, but damn-the dude has already apologized 3 times. What do the Muslims want him to do? Kiss Allah's ass or something?
I like the advice at the end of this article. According to my web site statistics-over half of my readers use Firefox.
Here's a news flash-I actually rode my bike Friday morning to pick my paycheck up and was surprised by these on Camp Betty Washington Road.

Rumble strips suck. If folks could get off the damn phone and just pay attention to driving-we wouldn't need rumble strips.
They wouldn't be so bad except they cut them to the right of the fog line so you are forced into the traffic lane to ride because the shoulder wasn't that wide to begin with. Not the safest thing considering the fact that this particular road has lots of blind rises and sharp turns and isn't that wide to begin with.
The county engineer who thought they were a good idea oughta have to ride a bike down that road. Another page on the site I have linked above have a section on bikes and rumble strips-notice the rider has at least a 4 foot section to ride on. Even if he is riding down the wrong side of the highway......

More here.
Believe it or not, I have a fairly high IQ.............I watched this whole video. Maybe my IQ went down a few points, I'm sure my IQ went down a few points.
Friday night at work, some jackass piled a bunch of stuff on top of our panwasher. Why is this a problem? It threw off the counterweights holding open the steel clamshell doors that you use to load and unload it.

The extra junk made the doors very sensitive and as a result-the Donut Guy damn near got his wrist guilloteened when the spring loaded doors slammed shut on my arm. Didn't break anything, but it's kinda sore.
I also said a few bad words.
One of my nephews is going to college to be an engineer. I only hope he has a better sense of humor then these guys. My father-in-law was an engineer before he retired, I could easily see him doing something like the guys in the link.
I'm not the hugest fan of Bill Clinton, but I like Fox News even less. It was nice to see Bill get the upper hand over Chris Wallace. Make sure you read the comments as well.....
Till later.
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