I suppose I could blog about the speech our President gave this past Monday, but I'm not gonna waste the pixels...... just let me link this article and that's all I'll say in this blog post about it.
Here's why the press pisses me off sometimes....... Anna Nicole just lost her son and they of course have to bring up the fact that she was an exotic dancer and married some guy that was 900 years old in the article. I guess asking them to have some class would be asking to much.

I keep seeing these signs on the way to taking our son to school in the morning. I had to check out the website and while I don't live in the immediate area-I'm down with what they are trying to do. Yeah, I realize the landowner should have some rights as to what they do with their property.........but sometimes they should use some common sense when they develop land.
There is a major interstate less then 100 yards from this proposed development, not sure why anyone would want to live there anyways. I would imagine that it would be damn loud. Besides, that doesn't need any more traffic, it's already a cluster at rush hour.
If it weren't for the traffic issue, I think they should be allowed to build it, I'd be interested to see how many people would be dumb enough to buy a house that close to a major highway.
Today's science break. That's totally amazing.
If you're not a motorhead, this site probably won't interest you. I'd love to download the engine sounds to use for the Windows start-up sound.
I have to install the new wireless router I bought and I'll be hittin' the sack early tomorrow so I can go to Trexertown to pick up our daughter for the weekend.
That's about it for a couple days..........
Till later.
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