Not very original, but that's the name of my wireless network on our new router. Of course I'm not gonna tell you the password, but I did change it from the default.
I'm gonna reformat my old computer this weekend and finally install Ubuntu on it, I've been wanting to switch it over since the summer, but I've just been too darn busy.
This week at work, we switched over to our new's been like an all-day train derailment. Lots less space, lots more hassle. I'm glad I have calloused hands because last night I grabbed hold of a rack right out of the oven. My hand actually sizzled. I only have one small blister so it coulda been worse.
A joke........
A couple are going out for a night on the town. They’re all dolled up, ready to go; the lights left on, the dog put out.
But just as the taxi arrives and they step out of the house, the dog darts back inside and won’t come out. They don’t want to leave the dog inside, so the husband goes upstairs to find it, while the wife goes to wait in the taxi.
Not wanting it known that the house will be empty, she explains to the driver that her husband had just gone “to say good-bye to my mother”.
A few minutes later, the husband gets into the cab.
“Sorry I took so long,” he says. “Stupid bitch was hiding under the bed and I had to poke her with a coat-hanger to get her to come out! Then I had to wrap her in a blanket to keep her from scratching and biting me as I hauled her ass downstairs and tossed her in the backyard! She’d better not shit in the vegetable garden again!”.
The silence in the cab was deafening.
Hey, at least it wasn't a lawyer joke, my sister-in-law the attorney loves those. Their ain't a lotta love for lawyers (read the comments blow the main post) out there. My sister-in-law works for the state, she's one of the good attorneys out there.

Someday, I'm gonna work up enough nerve to buy this t-shirt. Maybe I'll even wear it when nobody is around.
I want this young lady to win the next Idol competition. If I was a judge, I woulda voted for her. You gotta like a girl that can let one rip once and awhile.
Or maybe this guy will enter the next Idol. Not sure if he can sing, but those eyeballs gotta be worth something.
Interview with the hosts of one of my favorite shows.
Here's a friendly reminder when you go to vote in November. Most politicans are slimeballs.
Looks like I was 7 years ahead of the curve when I bought my minivan. Square is in.
I pulled our son out of class early Friday and we headed up to De Sales to pick up our daughter for the weekend. Daniel only missed an assembly and gym class, so he didn't miss anything important...... we listened to podcasts and I slammed a couple of Red Bulls on the way up to De Sales. Good times........except for the traffic.
Traffic on Rt 222 is killer on a Friday afternoon. There were lines of traffic streched out for a couple miles. It moved at about 5 to 10 mph for at least 45 minutes on the way up.
Katie drove the whole way back, she's a smooth driver for a beginner.
I wasn't gripping the dashboard or anything, I'm usually a nervous passenger.
The only person I am totally at ease with driving is an old high school friend I used to autocross with. His father was a stunt driver for Joie Chitwood back in the day and he taught his son how to drive.
Katie's pretty good though-she pays attention to what's going on around her and leaves herself plenty of space in traffic......she'll only get better the more she drives.
Sounds like she has made lots of friends and one very good friend. That's all I will say about that.........I don't wanna embarrass her.
As a parent, it's really neat to watch her go from one stage of her life into the next stage. The same thing is happening with our wife and I are so fortunate-we have awesome, awesome kids. We couldn't be prouder of them.
I got about 4 hours of sleep Friday, going out for breakfast this morning with the family and then going to a huge yard sale. Then I think I'm gonna take a snooze. What are the chances I will get to the lawn? Mmmmmm......unlikely.
Till later.
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