Friday, April 20, 2007

Yard work extravaganza......

I'm psyched.

I'm off this weekend and it's supposed to be beautiful.

I was at the hardware store and bought 38 bags of mulch to cover all our flower beds etc.

Looking forward to spending some time speadin' mulch, pullin' weeds, cuttin' grass and generally getting dirty. I might even fit in a bike ride Sunday afternoon if I'm not to sore to walk.....

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Our cat loves the spring weather. She has a stand on one of our front windows and stays there all day making funny grunting noises at all the birds and squirrels when the window is open.


After reading this article, I's all about the oil. The hard truth is that those oil reserves will be tapped one way or the other at some point down the road.

A wall didn't work out to well for East Germany, what makes them think another one will work?

Here's the scary thing if you think about it, we all know someone like Seung-hui Cho. You certainly can't lock every disturbed person up and throw away the key, sometimes the best you can hope for is that they self destruct without harming anyone else.

I don't know if Attorney General Alberto Gonzales lied or not, but he sure seems like one sneaky bastard.

This isn't a surprise. I'm kinda partial to HP's and I've recommended them to a half dozen or so clients shopping for new PC's. I'm sure someone out there has the exact opposite opinion......

I don't know who's dumber.....the cat or the human.

Probably a waste of time at this point, but it sure would get his attention.

Sometimes lawyers can be real assholes.......that's not always a bad thing.

Till later.

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