Thursday, October 12, 2006

I brake for cake.....

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I brake for cherry pie as well, but I figured I better eat the birthday cake my wife bought me because it will go stale quicker then the cherry pie my mom made me. My mom has been making me a cherry pie for my birthday ever since I've been a kid, it's one of my favorite things in the entire world.

It looks like this will be the last really bad thing I will be eating in any great quantity, got my bloodwork back and I have an elevated cholesterol level. Not sure what it is, I go into the doc next week to figure out a game plan.

Probably wouldn't hurt to get my ass out on a bike more and snacks right before bed are out as well. I've lost about 10 pounds since the beginning of summer but I would like to drop another 15 or 20 pounds........looks like my ice cream junkie days are over. I'll just have to buy really good ice cream in smaller quantities and eat less of it.

My lovely wife bought me a stapler, some tablets, pens and a really spiffy cabinet to store stuff in for my birthday. I think we are going shopping for a desk in the near future.....I have all my business related stuff kinda piled up on the dining room table so it's sorta messy. She's a sweetie, she hasn't complained about it at all.

I love gadgets...........I am a gadget freak. I own 3 iPods, 3 computers, a couple of fancy watches that tell you all kinds of useless information plus a bunch of other 6 bikes. Do I need one? Nah, but it sure is cool.

When our daughter was home last weekend, I took her out and we looked at PDA's. I kinda liked this one, it's 100 bucks........maybe after a few more clients. She decided for the time being not to buy one.

Sounds neat but, here's the's still a McDonalds.

You have to be fairly secure about your religious beliefs to enjoy this video. Safe for work but if you are easily offended by religious humor........don't click this link. You've been warned. And if that didn't totally tick you off.....go to the main website that will definitely piss you off.

Ever wonder what the world would look like if we all got on a spaceship and left the planet?'s your answer.

Oh *snap*.............good commercial. Which leads me to ask this question.......when is enough........enough?

Set aside some time for this one, it's one mans battle with cancer.

Yum...........the Ambien Cookbook. I think I'll go try it.............

Till later.

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