Tuesday, November 14, 2006

It's gonna kill me............

..........but I'm not gonna mention politics for a whole week. A buddy of mine that reads this blog bet me I couldn't do it.

All I have to do is make it through Saturday and I will be the owner of a brand new 12 pack of my favorite green tea.

I've been working a lot of overtime for the past couple months, I want have all my new office equipment and supplies bought and paid for so when I start my consulting business up in January so I am not in the hole for anything.

Last night at work, another store called me and asked me if I wanted to work on my night off for a few weeks.................I had to turn them down-right now I am only taking one night off a week-I don't want to get burnt out. I was tempted though.

Our daughter was in NYC this past week and saw Rent and did a bunch of other stuff. According to what I read on her blog, she and her friends walked 100 blocks to see Ground Zero. They have subways there don't they? Whatevs......as long as she had fun-that's all that matters. I do have to think that if her Grandma Fullerton found out she walked 100 blocks in NYC, my mother-in-law would probably pass out cold.


Why do dogs lick their own balls?.........no, it's not because they can.........it's to get rid of the taste of their food.

This just in........Serial impregnator Kevin Federline is Father of the Year. That dude is a walking talking rectum.

I'm seeing so many stories about politics I want to comment on. This is going to be a loooong week.

Sacha Baron Cohen gets real life and movie life mixed up. He's lucky he didn't get the crap beat out of him even worse considering where he was and what time it was.

I'm getting one of these to keep track of contacts, appointment and stuff. I am as absent-minded as a fence post, hopefully this will help.

I might be totally wrong (I hope I am) but this is why I'm glad I got a laptop before Vista comes out. Hopefully Vista will work better then the Zune software, but I couldn't take the chance-in January I will need a funtioning laptop.

"Donks" is one car fad I don't really get. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

I kinda like this van. Not sure where the dirty mountain bike would go though.

Till later.

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