I have 3 separate e-mail accounts.
One of them I use for business and general stuff, another came with my ISP and another yet for spam. I use the spam account when I sign up for different stuff I run across whenever I browse the web. This morning when I checked my spam account, I had the choice of having a 8 inch, 9 inch
or 12 inch penis......no, I didn't click any of the offers and I have no idea where they came from. Not that I've seen very many.....but
damn, a foot long?
This is the coolest
birthday cake you will see today.
My favorite tag line in this
ad is "Eliminates slow play" One of the dumbest inventions I've ever seen.
The most awesome
comb over ever. My pop used to do that until I shamed him into getting a buzz cut.
The most awesome
puzzle game ever. Maybe not the most awesome, but I wasted a whole bunch of time on it.
If you have more then one computer hooked up to a network using a router......check out this
software. I have 3 computers and it makes it so easy to share stuff in between all 3 boxes once you configure everything. It costs less then 30 bucks for a 3 seat licence.....totally worth the money. Our son can start a school project on one computer and save it to another computer or send it to the printer from any computer in the house.
Pretty cool stuff. I know how to do all that stuff manually, but it's a pain in the butt when 2 of the computers run XP and the other one is Vista and the printer has different drivers on 2 of the computers and none on the third.
This dude skitches me
out. Actually, I think it's his laugh the end of the
commercial. Kinda think that's how Satan would laugh if
he rented guns.
Play with your
plucking twanger.
Went to the doctor yesterday for some knee pain I've been having. I have to get x-rays of both knees this week and I found out a couple things....first is that I probably have arthritis and second is that I need to lose some weight to help out the load on my knees.
I'm not a fat bastard, but it would hurt if I lost 20 or 25 pounds. I figure I just have to stop eating junk food in the morning before I go to bed, so it's gonna be salads with tuna and a little salad dressing. That's what I used to eat for breakfast all the time, I got away from eating healthy in the evening (morning for normal people) for some reason.
The doc did prescribe Celebrex for the inflammation and pain, I took one last night when I went to work, seemed to help quite a bit...........
Regis Philbin is 75? Damn, he looks
good. I hope everything goes well with his surgery, he's a pretty cool dude and one helluva sharp dresser.
science break........that's one big volcano.
Democrats need to grow a set of balls
real soon. This war hero
tells it like it is. Maybe Nancy can wear her balls on a necklace or something......
Maybe this
crappy driver could have a mental health evaluation
while she's in jail. Maybe I'm a "
Fred" for using a helmet mirror when I road ride, but I like to see what's coming up behind me and I would
definitely get out of the way of someone with a person on the hood of their car.
Not the
answer the prof was looking for. I woulda marked it correct if I was grading the papers....
Your stuff is gonna be late........and
Till later.