Saturday, May 21, 2005

Get with the program..........

Which program is that you may ask? ..........................

The EXTREME program. You know, where everything is turned up a couple notches.
Several examples............


-Energy drinks



-Sex toys No wait-I guess that one has always been somewhat extreme.





-Pumpkin carving

And yes, even mountain biking. I'm so sick of everything be labled extreme, I am ready to projectile vomit on the next person I see that mentions anything that is "extreme".


I suppose that would be a little "extreme" of me, huh?

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I haven't seen the newest Star Wars movie, I'm pretty sure
the above dialog wasn't included.

I'm glad this little guy isn't living in my neck of the woods. Scary shit. I've read that sex offenders are not happy that they have to register where they live. I have a solution-don't be a sex offender.

That's about it for today. My next post will hopefully include some pics from the crit I will be attending on Sunday.

Till later.....

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