Monday, March 26, 2007

Fat guy rides his bike......

I might have missed riding on the nicest day of the year on Sunday but I did get out a little bit on Monday. Nothing really epic, just ran a few errands and putzed around for an hour or so. It felt great to get out.

I have to get our yard in shape, we have limbs and branches all over the place plus all the flower beds are full of weeds. I also have to go down to Wal-Mart and buy me another one of those 99 dollar lawn mowers. The last one I bought lasted 5 years for a per year cost of 20 dollars. Not bad considering that "brand name" mowers cost as much as I paid for my first car.

I did have a really nice mower at one time until I missed seeing a tree stump and ran over it. The mower just stopped and all the oil fell out the bottom through the bent crankshaft. Kinda pissed me off and I never bought another "nice" mower after that. I figured that if I destroyed a 99 dollar mower I would look like such an idiot........

A joke.........

Some race horses staying in a stable. One of them starts to boast about his track record. "In the last 15 races, I`ve won 8 of them!"

Another horse breaks in, "Well in the last 27 races, I`ve won 19!"

"Oh that`s good, but in the last 36 races, I`ve won 28!", says another, flicking his tail.

At this point, they notice that a greyhound dog has been sitting there listening. "I don`t mean to boast," says the greyhound, "but in my last 90 races, I`ve won 88 of them!"

The horses are clearly amazed.

"Wow!" says one, after a hushed silence.

"A talking dog."


I'm amazed that Fred hasn't gotten himself killed yet.

An English man is barred from the pub for farting.

Quite a few years back, I worked with a guy that did the same thing and he thought it was hilarious. It smelled bad. Bad enough that I had to leave my work area for several minutes because it made me gag. I bought a can of air freshener and sprayed it in his direction every time he let one loose. He still thought it was funny until I discovered that if you hold a cigarette lighter up to the stream of air freshener coming out of the shoots out a stream of fire where ever it's aimed.

Guess where I aimed it......right at the source of the problem............problem solved.

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This is true, just ask my wife.

Gotta love scambaiters.

I'm not sure if the death penalty is always a good idea, but when I read this, it's kinda hard to see how he deserves to live.

I have the feeling that there is something this family is not telling the press.

More global warming news......I'd like to be around in 2100 to see how things have changed.

My wife is a cancer survivor and while I don't see Edwards winning in 2008, I think it's great that his wife has gone public with her battle against terminal cancer. I hope she beats it and raises awareness of what's possible.

Because longer is better.

I need one of these.

Till later...

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