Friday, March 30, 2007

No biking on this blog?

One of my readers commented that I don't post much about riding bikes. All I can say is......guilty as charged. Other then the short ride I had the other day running errands....I haven't had much saddle time lately.

I've been super busy with all kinds of stuff and biking has definitely taken a back seat this winter. To be honest, I am really, really, REALLY looking forward to some seat time this year. Gonna try and ride some this Sunday, not sure if that's gonna happen yet or not....but ya'll will get a ride report if and when I get out.

My pop will like this Flickr photoset. Old Disneyland pictures. My parent's have been to Disneyworld but not the original in California. As much as my mom likes to fly....I don''t think a trip to the west coast is gonna happen anytime soon.

Grocery store humor.......

This 80 year old woman was arrested for shop lifting.

When she went before the judge in Cincinnati he asked her, "What did you steal?"

She replied, "A can of peaches."

The judge then asked her why she had stolen the can of peaches and she replied that she was hungry.

The judge then asked her how many peaches were in the can.

She replied, "6."

The judge said, "Then I will give you 6 days in jail."

Before the judge could actually pronounce the punishment, the woman's husband spoke up and asked the judge if he could say something.

The judge said, "What is it?"

The husband said, "She also stole a can of peas."

February has 30 days. George says so. He can't be that damn dumb, can he?

I don't watch American Idol, but I did happen to catch this guy singing as I was going out the door to work the other night. I hope he wins.

Pretty good proxy for bypassing your I.T. dept. filters. If you have to ask what a proxy probably don't need one. If you are from the I.T. dept.......just ignore this.

When to buy or not buy an Apple product. I only own iPods....I don't see me buying an Apple computer anytime soon. They seem like good products, but we already own 4 computers....

Those darn Mexicans.

Dumbest idea I've seen this week. A few years ago I was working at a large donut wholesaler and they had an overhead water line leak into a 40 foot long, 4 foot wide, 2 feet deep donut fryer. Kinda like when the reporter in the video pours the water into the hot grease only 9000 times worse. One of the few times in my life where I was genuinely scared shitless.

I was listening to an NPR podcast where they were interviewing a guy that wrote a book about all the ingredients in a twinkie. They also interviewed one of the folks at Hostess and the guy said baking is a science.

That makes me a scientist.

Just call me Dr. Donut.

I wonder if I could rig up one of these as a seatbag on my road bike.

Number 33 is a doozie.

Number 2 should be Number 1. NSFW (language)

I'm gonna bake me up some human body parts. Totally family safe. Weird, but safe.

I tried to stay away from posting stuff about Iraq, Iran, the dumbass in the Oval Office, etc.....sometimes that shit just depresses me.

Till later.

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