Here's what we will all be driving when the oil runs out.
Izzat a cool bike or what? I'm not sure how one of them is gonna haul a semis full of consumer goods around but one of them would suit most of my needs. In reality, I'd settle for something like this when gasoline hits 5 or 6 bucks a gallon.
This is a pretty cool program. More info here.
I sure hope the terrorists don't watch CNN.
This is good news. How darn difficult is it to get a warrant? I'm not saying that I like our government potentially spying on me, but there should at least be a paper trail.
Wrap Rage. I can identify with that.
This is the coolest dad in the world.
I didn't even know France had an army.
Violent crime is a bad thing.
Today is our daughters last day at home before we take her to university tomorrow morning. She spent the day with friends yesterday and needs to start thinking about doing some packing today. She has inherited the "procrastination" gene from her father.........
I read this NY Times article (registration required) about kids going back to school. Thought about it for a moment and here is a list of all the electronic stuff our daughter is taking with her.
-17" laptop
-100 gig portable hard drive
-USB stick
-digital camera
-extra batteries for the laptop and camera
Lots of stuff, but if I was going to school, I wouldn't want to have to live without any of that stuff.
Today's science break-way cool video of a meteor.
Guess what? I'm guess George might blow a little steam off about this, but I bet he takes the diplomats advice. It's hard to argue with 1.3 billion people. Besides, where would Wal-Mart get their stuff made?
This article will make you think twice before you throw out plastic stuff. I know most of my trash either ends up in the local landfill, incinerator or is recycling, but you still have to wonder.
I love the comment when the guys says "I might as well ride my bike".....this guy had the right idea.

Saw the above image at a fellow bike bloggers site, it reminds me of this years Tour. I read that Floyd's father-in-law committed suicide, how very sad.
I'm not saying Dell is a bad company to buy a computer from, but they aren't as good as they used to be.
Anything for a story.
Our son and I went shopping for a decent keyboard yesterday, we ended up buying this one. I had spilled a glass of milk all over the previous "good" keyboard we had and replaced it with a cheapie one. Bad move, having a good keyboard makes typing "so" much easier. This one is wireless, so that's even better.
"Our water bill is gonna be outrageous".
Till later.
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