My wife and our daughter are back from Pittsburgh. After sleeping on the 3rd floor of a un-air conditioned school for a week during last week's record heat.........they were glad to get home. My wife has a bunged up knee she's gonna have to get checked out and she's walking (barely) on crutches, but she still went to work this morning.
I think her leg could fall off and she wouldn't complain......... she's tough.
Here's how to tell if you need to get out more. Write a review on milk.
Most porno ends up in the hands of kids. That's because the kids steal it from their parents.
My favorite is the UFO.
Good article about Kevin Rose.....the guy that started
I'm sure glad the heat wave has broken, or else this guy is gonna pop a blood vessel. More here.
Very cool picture of lightning.
Our daughter's boyfriend would like one of these. It would probably vibrate the paint off his car. He's kinda like I was when I was that age. Only I never had bright red hair.
Is the shit really ready to hit the fan? Sometimes the media goes a bit over the top.
Here's how to give a PETA member a heart attack at their next birthday party. No offense to any vegans out there, but I love eating meat.
Darwin's theory of evolution in action. What would possess someone to do something so stupid? I did a lot of dumb stuff when I was a kid, but nothing like that.
I must have pinched a nerve or something the other week when I was on vacation. It doesn't hurt to ride a bike or doing normal stuff but after 7 or 8 hours of standing on my feet at's a little uncomfortable. I rode 35 miles or so Saturday and felt fine but 7 hours of being on my feet at work Saturday night just about killed me.
There's two sides to every story of course, but this side has a good story. If they make an electric mini-van in the next 5 years.........I'd seriously consider buying one. Most of my trips are less then 10 miles so I'd be a perfect candidate for one.
I'm Gay. What's your point, so are lots of other folks. Big deal. Me thinks Lance needed a little bit of media exposure.
I'm surprised Fred hasn't been killed yet. My opinion is that it's only a matter of time before some vet with PTSD takes him out.
Somebody buy me one of these.
Here's where all your tax money went.
"And you'd have a dickens of a time trying to find instances where I've been excessively optimistic"................... here's a few Don. Here's an Op-Ed piece from the NY Times........
August 4, 2006
The Sound of One Domino Falling
ItÂ’s been obvious for years that Donald Rumsfeld is in denial of reality, but the defense secretary now also seems stuck in a time warp. You could practically hear the dominoes falling as he told the Senate Armed Services Committee yesterday that it was dangerous for Americans to even talk about how to end the war in Iraq.
“If we left Iraq prematurely,”he said, the enemy would tell us to leave Afghanistan and then withdraw from the Middle East. And if we left the Middle East, they'd order us and all those who don't share their militant ideology to leave what they call the occupied Muslim lands from Spain to the Philippines. And finally, he intoned, America will be forced to make a stand nearer home.”
No one in charge of American foreign affairs has talked like that in decades. After Vietnam, of course, the communist empire did not swarm all over Asia as predicted; it tottered and collapsed. And the new “enemy” that Mr. Rumsfeld is worried about is not a worldwide conspiracy but a collection of disparate political and religious groups, now united mainly by American action in Iraq.
Americans are frightened by the growing chaos in the Mideast, and the last thing they needed to hear this week was Mr. Rumsfeld laying blame for sectarian violence on a few Al Qaeda schemers. What they want is some assurance that the administration has a firm grasp on reality and has sensible, achievable goals that could lead to an end to the American involvement in Iraq with as little long-term damage as possible. Instead, Mr. Rumsfeld offered the same old exhortation to stay the course, without the slightest hint of what the course is, other than the rather obvious point that the Iraqis have to learn to run their own country.
By contrast, the generals flanking him were pillars of candor and practicality. Gen. John Abizaid, the U.S. commander in the Middle East, said “Iraq could move toward civil war if the sectarian violence which he said “is probably as bad as I’ve seen it” — is not contained. The generals tried to be optimistic about the state of the Iraqi security forces, but it was hard. They had to acknowledge that a militia controls Basra, that powerful Iraqi government officials run armed bands that the Pentagon considers terrorist organizations financed by Iran, and that about a third of the Iraqi police force can’t be trusted to fight on the right side.
As for Mr. Rumsfeld, he suggested that lawmakers just leave everything up to him and the military command and stop talking about leaving Iraq. We should consider how our words can be used by our deadly enemy,” he said.
Americans who once expected the Pentagon to win the war in Iraq have now been reduced to waiting for an indication that at least someone is minding the store. They won't be comforted to hear Mr. Rumsfeld fretting about protecting Spain from Muslim occupation.
......................I don't know about you, but Rumsfield scares the hell out of me.
I have no idea how they did this, but it's pretty cool.
I sure hope the computer I am typing this one doesn't crap out in the next year or so. I'd hate to have to buy a new one in the first year Vista comes out. It's doesn't seem like it will have all the bugs worked out of it for awhile.
Bump keying. Read this and then watch this and this. Yikes.
Guilty or not..........what a clusterf***. I don't know what to think. Did he dope or didn't he dope? By this point, I've really stopped caring.
4 videos you need to see concerning what the Israelis are doing to Palestinians. Make your own mind up about what is going on.
Gotta leave ya with something upbeat...........
Till later.
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