I'm sure you'd make Marc happy if you ordered a few........I don't actually have one to judge the quality of the shirt, but when a fellow rider asks for some free publicity........I have a hard time saying "no".......and besides-it's a way cool design.
This might not work for everybody but here's one way you might get out of a lawsuit with the RIAA.
Last night at work, we had an extemely fat guy riding around our store on one of our electric shopper carts. We have temporary bathrooms since our store is in the middle of a remodel and he got stuck in one of the stalls. Lord knows how long he was in there, the only reason I found him was because I had to use the bathroom.
Not sure if he tried to drive the handi-cart directly into the toilet or what but I'm gonna burn in hell because I couldn't help myself from laughing as I helped him get unstuck.
Yeah, I know-that wasn't very nice but you had to be there to see a 500 pound guy half on and half off a motorized handi-cart stuck sideways in a bathroom stall. I'm sure God will understand and if He doesn't..........the laugh was worth it.
Being a cop has to be tough sometimes. If I was a cop and this asshole punched my police dog.......I woulda probably just shot him. Or at least Tasered his ass real good.
I pity the kids that go to this school. I sure hope they fired the jackass that made the video.............hot, hot, hot? Holy Mother of God.
My lovely wife wants to get a kayak. I think I'll get her this one.
Coming soon.........a "scratch and dent" sale at your local Mazda dealer.
I think Stephen Colbert should run for President. Speaking of the President, George is scaring the crap out of me lately. I know this might be a touch simplistic, but I'd like to see him go on national TV and tell Israel and Hezbollah to knock this shit off for a couple days. Kinda hard to negotiate a cease fire when neither side is willing to stop killing innocent people.
Probably wishful thinking on my part...
I used to be into really loud music. My "80 Fairmont had enough speakers, sub woofers and tweeters to make your ears bleed and vibrate a silver dollar off the roof. Now, I am pretty happy listening to my iPod (at a reasonable volume) or ballgames on AM radio. Some folks can really be into fine audio, if this thingamabobber isn't pretentious enough....you can buy wooden knobs for it. Whatev.
If you click one link on today's blog entry.................click this one. It's a 3 minute and 45 second video of George Carlin and yes it's safe for work.
That's all for today, going for a roadie ride with my buddy Hank in a few minutes, he broke a rib when he was on vacation-I feel bad for him............but maybe I'll be able to kick his ass for once on a climb.
Till later.
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