I've had my current ride for 7 years and haven't turned 50,000 miles yet. I take care of it so hopefully it will last at least another 7 or 8 years. If it lasts another 10 or 15.......so much the better- more shiny bike parts and electronic toys for me:-)
Tuco also sent me this article. My work is less then 4 miles from our house, my wife drives 24 miles one way to get to work. She could easily find something closer, but she loves where she works ..........so I suppose that has to count for something.
She is a nurse at a nursing home and she specializes in taking care of folks with Altzheimer's. I think she would drive 50 miles to work at the place where she is currently employed.
Like they say, nurses are angels wearing comfortable shoes.........and make no mistake about it-my wife is an angel.......she's put up with me for almost 25 years.
I spent most of Sunday afternoon goofing off, I was gonna work on cleaning up my workbench.......

I kinda just dumped everything there after vacation..........
Instead of working on that, Daniel and I watched the tail end of the Brickyard 400. This is the first race I've watched since the Daytona 500 at the beginning of the year and I can't understand how I used to spend every Sunday glued to the screen watching it.
I dunno, maybe it was better 20 years ago when Tim Richmond and Dale Earnhardt were still alive and ripping each others bumpers off every week.............. and all the drivers weren't afraid of saying something wrong and offending their sponsors. Whatever, it's now a giant bore filled with commercials every 4 minutes.
That's probably why the only motorsports I watch anymore is NHRA.The races only last 4 or 5 seconds and the winner is often decided by less then a thousandth of a second. If you lose-you go home. I also catch a little WRC on bit torrent from time to time, those guys are nuts.
This is not good. I don't even pretend to understand what is going on in the Middle East but when innocent people are dying..........that's hard to take.
Ann Coulter is a jackass. Sure, she's entitled to her opinion about anything and everything but she oughta get her facts straight before she opens up her piehole.
Bamboo bike. Not sure how durable this would be with me riding it. I have a feeling I'd be picking bamboo splinters out of my nether regions.
Double backflip at X Games 12. Man, that is sick. What would be sicker is to see him try it on a mountain bike. Better yet? A road bike. That would be sick.
Bend over and lube up. 4 dollar a gallon gasoline will be here in no time.
I feel Tom's pain.............not. He's totally assed out.
Kidstoned Chewable Valium. SFW video on a NSFW website. I wish some parents would give these to their kids before they bring them grocery shopping. Some of the parents should take them as well.
New airline. Not one I would like to fly on, I've seen the in-flight magazine.
Today's "Somebody please buy me this" link.
Till later.
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