Our son and I were at the local video game store yesterday and a whole family of rednecks were in there shopping around. Here in York County that's fairly normal. All you have to do is wear a dirty sleeveless t-shirt, knock a few of your teeth out and comb your hair with a bowling ball. Talking really loud also helps.
I'm not the smartest guy on the planet, but even I know it's a bad idea to bring a stick of dynamite onto an airplane.
Tom Cruise got fired. Big deal, the guy is a dickhead.
This article goes into some detail about Hollywood's recent downturn. I'm wondering if any of those Hollywood execs have recently had the pleasure of paying 5 bucks for a soda and 4 dollars for a tub of popcorn at the theater lately. I'd rather wait until the DVD comes out and watch it at home and not have to stare at the back of someone's head.
With all the crap going on in the world today with different countries, races and religions blowing each other up................this is either gonna be a really good idea or an incredibly bad idea. Me? I really don't watch that much network television so I don't give a poo as to what happens.
A fellow bike blogger has an excellent post up concerning childhood obesity and diabetes. Since I work in a supermarket, I see this on a daily basis and I help contribute since I make donuts for a living. I should feel ashamed but not as much as the parents who buy all that garbage for their kids. A donut once and awhile isn't gonna kill you but they ain't supposed to be a food group.
I've only owned 5 vehicles since I started driving 30 years ago. This one was my favorite.

Mine looked almost exactly like this one.
Yeah, go ahead and laugh. My 73 Maverick was awesome. My buddy helped me put in about half dozen speakers, it had a 302 and air conditioning that could freeze a side of beef in 20 minutes.
You're either gonna like this piece or you're not gonna like it. Me? I like it because it makes sense. I've worked with lots of people over the years and I can usually tell when someone is lying to me.
Number 3 is my favorite. Number 5 is a close second.
Is this really a good idea? I happened to be off that day 5 years ago and watched it real time all that day. I have no desire to relive it. I bet it won't be commercial free like it was 5 years ago.
Speaking of commercials................."Mr. Jelly Donut Filler" is my favorite one of course...............I am a Real American Hero.
This thing makes a Hummer look like a Matchbox-check out photo #3. I wonder how long it will take for this military vehicle to become a fashion accessory.
Not everything I put on this blog is pleasant. This video is disturbing, but then cancer caused by smoking isn't a pleasant subject.
If you smoke-quit.
Till later.
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