I saw this article and had a good chuckle. People really need to get a life. Like my 11 year will be on the road to Hell if I drive by this place. Shit, I'd be more then happy to stop by and buy a cuppa.
Saw this on a fellow bloggers site. Good stuff.
Another fellow bike blogger has taken the time to interview quite a few builders. Check out some of his recent entries-it's a damn fine read if you're into bikes. If you ain't into bikes-read it anyways.........
Military Intelligence. .......Dear God.
Wow, this girl is a sweetie.
This really sucks. Or blows depending on your point of view.
Let me stick my neck out here...........I think this woman has suffered enough and already has paid her debt to society. Give her a dishonorable discharge and let's put it in the past.
This story gives new meaning to the phrase "I feel like shit today"
This is some nasty, nasty shit. If you have teenage kids-they should watch the video.
Think about this.............. This happened in Arkansas, how many people that were in the Wal-Mart parking at the time this happened were probably armed? Mr Redface is lucky he didn't get shot.
Words fail me on this link.
Could this actually happen? I sure hope not.
I work with knives, mixers, motorized dough sheeters and all kinds of stuff that can chop, crush, burn or maim fingers. Before I train anyone how to operate something-I show them how not to operate it.
Till later...........
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