Wednesday, February 20, 2008


........I'm gonna brag about my kids and one of our daughters friends.

First up, our son has done what no other male McNally has done in recorded history.

He is on the distinguished honor roll at high school.

When I was in high school, I was mostly a "B" student that really didn't apply myself as much as I should have.....boy, would I like a do-over on that.

Our son hits the books way more then I ever did, he has an afterschool part-time job that lets him study as he works and he utilizes all his free time at school to study.

He a good kid and were proud as all get-out of him.

Our daughter is going to Italy for a week on spring break....she saved up all the money with her part-time jobs. My wife and I are driving up to see her today and set up her with a supply of Euros.

You will not meet a more motivated 20 year old than our daughter. Like our son, were also extremely proud of what she has achieved in scholastic career.

We got good kids.

Today's science without the moon.

Today's history from Russia.

Bill Clinton loses his cool.....our daughter is best friends with the guy holding the sign. Agree with our daughters friend or not-I very much like the fact that Andrew (the guy holding the sign) has the balls to stick that sign right in Bill's face.

We need more young people that aren't afraid to get the hell off the couch and do something. Our country will go to hell in a handbasket in 30 years if all the kids out there don't do something besides play computer games and hang out on Facebook.

Agree with Andrew or not......the dude is out there doing something.

What are you doing?

till later.

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