Sunday, November 04, 2007

another vacation.....ho hum.

Kinda weird having another week of vacation so close to the last one. Not that I'm complaining or anything. It took me about a week to get back into the working 3rd shift..........I really need to win the lottery or something.

Donuts, fast food, processed food and just about anything that tastes good isn't good for you and will kill you early. Unless America radically changes it's eating habits.....I think my job is safe for awhile. If our store only sold things that were good for wouldn't have 110,000 square feet of sales floor.

The announcer gets a tad excited while he calls the play. Whatever, I guess I ain't much of a football fan. I know where my daughter goes to college...their football team has been undefeated for years.

This is kinda illegal but it sure would be fun to have one sometimes.

Quandry? I still think it's hate speech. Replace the word "Fag" on their signs with the "N" word and see how they would be perceived.

This coffee tastes like crap.

till later.

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