Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Shitty roads, dogs and cats.

Heard a really interesting podcast from Trucker Tom concerning how lousy Pennslyvania roads are. Since I've lived here my entire life, I really have no frame of reference to compare our roads to other states.

I do know they ain't the greatest as far as traffic congestion. Usually I am going so slow-the crappy pavement isn't an issue. Would I be willing to pay more for better roads?


I think the state legislature should do a better job managing the money we already send them. Not sure where the hell all the money goes but maybe they need to do a re-think on their priorities.

As far as stuff like bike lanes? To be honest-I'm not for them. I would rather have a fairly wide paved shoulder on all roads. In our center city, most streets are too narrow for them anyways..........

The rest of my family is down at Mrytle Beach this week, me and the in-laws cat have the house to ourselves. Cats are way different then dogs. While I like cats-they do have a mind of their own. Ever try and call a cat? It just looks at you and walks away in another direction.

Dogs, on the other hand will come right over to you but dogs will hump your grandma's leg when she comes over to visit so I suppose it's a wash. I'm also watching my sister-in-laws cats this week. She has 3 of them and one of them was supposed to be locked up in a bathroom. Unfortunately-it bolted the second I cracked open the door and God knows where the hell it went.


The little bastard will probably end up shitting on something valuable.

Till later.........


hereNT said...

Hopefully she wasn't supposed to be locked up in there because she was in heat...

The Donut Guy said...

Nope, all 3 of their cats are female.

Thank God :-)